Future Puppy Behaviour -

5 Week Program

Sign up today to set your puppy up to become a confident happy companion!

This is a unique course which will teach you how to proactively & positively introduce your puppy to the world. The program includes fundamentals skills and knowledge which you can get started with straight away from home, no need to wait! It also includes the opportunity to introduce your puppy to some key environments  (vets, cafe situation & park)with the support of your experienced trainer & behaviourist.

    • You are planning the arrival of your new puppy

    • Your new puppy has arrived but is not yet fully vaccinated

    • Your puppy is less than 5 months old.

    • You want to do everything you can to minimise the risk of behavioural issues

    • You want to educate yourself about current, ethical and effective puppy socialisation methods

    • You want to do everything you can to help your puppy become a confident and happy companion.

    • This is a unique 5 week program

    • Taught by highly qualified and experienced trainer & behaviourist.

    • Maximum of 4 puppy/human teams per class.

    • Unlimited email support throughout program.

    Week 1 & 2 - These sessions are conducted online. Learn about the fundamentals of puppy development, socialisation, body language, how dogs learn, Problem solving & training skills, from the comfort of your own home.

    *You can do these first two sessions before puppy arrives or before puppy is fully vaccinated.

    Week 3 - Care Handling & Vet Visits In person session at Forestside Veterinary Clinic. Learn how to create a positive association with handling & care routines. Introduction to the vet clinic.

    Week 4 - Cafes & Friends, In person session. Learn about the importance of advocating for your dog. Learn how to teach them about cafes and unfamiliar people.

    Week 5 - Park Life! In person session. Learn about recall, teaching attention. Learn on and off lead etiquette! Learn more about dog-dog interactions.

    *For weeks 3-5, puppies must be fully vaccinated, healthy & well to attend.

    *The above is an overview of the program. Contact Jess for more information.

  • £100 (If your dog lives to 10 years old, that’s a £10 per year investment in their mental well being, behaviour and your relationship with them!)

    Plus 5.5 hours of your attention and enthusiasm!

  • This program can be delivered privately on a 1-2-1 basis. The same material will be covered with the added advantage of being able to tailor it to your and your puppy’s specific needs.

    Investment - £200

For more information drop me an email on: jess@futureanimalbehaviour.com

The Future Puppy Behaviour program is based on world renowned Karen Pryor Academy’s Puppy Start Right Preschool.

Jess has a wealth of knowledge & experience. Her Puppy Behaviour Program set us off to a fantastic start with our puppy and has set up many good habits and behaviours that we will be able to build on going forward. A must for anyone with a new puppy. I would highly recommend.

— Rosie, Co Down

Set You & Your Puppy Up for Success Workshops

Next Date TBC

A Few Things About the Workshop

    • The workshop will be most relevant for people considering getting a puppy, waiting for the arrival of their puppy or who are currently caring for a puppy less than 6 months old.

    • It is just for the human half of your puppy/human team. Having no four legged friends there enables more concentration and practice of training skills.

  • At the workshop you will learn about core aspects of puppy socialisation & training.

    • What is socialisation and how to approach it in a proactive and positive way

    • Your puppy’s developmental stages and their senses in those early weeks & months

    • How your puppy learns

    • What your puppy tells us through their body language

    • Some basic training skills that you will get to practice (on fellow humans!) in the workshop.

    • You will receive a take home copy of the information presented along with a free clicker & training treats.

    • Please arrive on time and make yourself comfortable.

    • Tea & coffee will be available to purchase from the lovely Murphy & Bailey team.

    • Sit back relax and enjoy a fun and informative evening!

  • Limited space available - payment required to secure place.

    Full refund for cancellations up to 24hrs before the event.

    For more information contact: jess@futureanimalbehaviour.com